Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Laws on Contagious Disease Quarantine Essay

There are two principal sources of current legal thinking on quarantine for contagious diseases. The first originates in the law of quarantine itself. The second concerns civil commitment. Quarantine laws are limited to controlling infectious diseases. Civil commitment laws govern incarceration when people are a danger to themselves or others, are mentally ill and unable to care for themselves, or present a danger to others because they spread infectious disease. Before antibiotics, quarantine was important in preventing the spread of infection. Since it was not possible to attack bacterial causes of disease directly, sources of disease had to be kept away from other people. According to a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, many state statutes which address the control of contagious diseases have been on the books since the turn of the century. The leading case on quarantine, Jacobson v. Massachusetts was decided in 1905. Even more recent statutes were enacted forty years ago. Only ten states have substantially changed their TB-related law within the last few years. The public health powers in state statutes include: compulsory examination and treatment, emergency detention and quarantine. Quarantine may be defined as either in-home isolation or commitment to state facilities. These measures are accomplished through public health orders or court orders. Some states have civil and/or criminal penalties for failing to comply with a such an order. Other statutes do not spell out penalties. Some statutes define which diseases are contagious and therefore subject to quarantine regulations. Others authorize state health departments to decide which illnesses are contagious. Some empower public health authorities to make quarantine or isolation decisions without any direction as to illnesses or conditions. Thirty-three states permit authorities to isolate people in their homes. In most cases there are no due process protections specified out in the law. Forty-two states permit commitment to treatment facilities. Thirty-six states require a court order to commit someone to a facility. Several do not require a court order or a hearing. Generally court orders will be initiated by a petition from public health authorities requesting a hearing. Written notice to the person concerned is usually required, but the hearing may be held with or without the patient. Only thirteen states explicitly grant the right to be represented by counsel in any part of the proceedings. Of these, eleven will provide counsel to indigent individuals. Release is accomplished when a determination is made that the person is no longer a threat to the public health, or no longer infectious. Some statutes specify criteria for release which may be vague (â€Å"no longer a danger to the public health†) or specific (evidence in sputum tests that the person is no longer actively contagious). Ten states have no statutory time limits on the length of time a patient may be held without discharge or recommitment. In many states the only explicit due process protection afforded persons who are quarantined is the opportunity to petition the court for release. Quarantine is a very old public health measure. Historical references date back at least to the Old Testament. When people were thought (rightly or wrongly) to have a contagious condition, they were isolated from others by confining them to their houses or by compelling them to live outside the community. Following English common law United States quarantine laws fall under the power of the state to protect public health and safety. In Gibbons v. Ogden, the United States Supreme Court alluded to the legitimacy of quarantine under the police power. The Court directly reviewed quarantine concepts in Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur v. Louisiana State Board of Health. The law and its implementation were upheld as an appropriate exercise of police power. The suit arose when a geographic area of Louisiana was closed off to all new entrants because of the presence of infectious disease. The plaintiffs (a shipping company) regarded the action as a Commerce Clause violation, because it interfered with foreign commerce. The Court rejected the Commerce Clause argument, holding that the law was not repugnant to the Constitution. The dissent urged that the Court should have been addressing the particular implementation of the law rather than its constitutionality in general. The dissenters agreed however that â€Å"[t]he power of the several States †¦ to establish quarantine regulations †¦ is so well settled by repeated decisions of this court as to be no longer open to doubt. Relevant statutory law is found under the power of counties to establish hospitals and under the powers of the department of health and the board of health. Some still-current sections were in place before 1953 when the General Code became the Revised Code. Quarantine measures under Ohio law included isolating people in their own homes as well as removing them to public facilities. In 194 9 the Attorney General considered whether â€Å"home quarantine†, authorized under  § 4429, General Code was an appropriate exercise of the police power. Medical authority at the time discouraged in-home care because it spread infection to others in the household and did not provide the most effective treatment. The Attorney General expressed concern about the â€Å"social and economic embarrassment† involved in placarding a home and isolating the whole family. Balancing the health benefit (or lack thereof, according to medical experts) against liberty interests and social stigma, he opined that â€Å"in view of control measures now available† home quarantine would be arbitrary and unreasonable under normal circumstances. Contemporary society thinks removing people from their homes to treat their illness may be inhumane. When this opinion was written, the opposite may have been true, at least for illnesses requiring long-term care. In 1951,  § 4429-1 of the Ohio General Code provided the department of health with the power to â€Å"at once †¦ cause [someone with a communicable disease] to be separated from susceptible persons in such places and under such circumstances as will prevent the †¦ conveyance of the infectious agents †¦ and shall enforce such restrictive measures as may be prescribed by the state department of health. Ohio law has several provisions which govern quarantine generally. Under  § 3701 of the Ohio Revised Code, the department of health has the authority to â€Å"declare and enforce† or â€Å"modify, relax and abolish† quarantines. It may make other rules for preventing communicable disease. The chapter also provides that individuals shall not kno wingly fail to prevent transmission of their illness to others. Those who care for sick individuals, and those who â€Å"have charge of a public conveyance or place of public accommodation† shall not recklessly or negligently fail to protect others; or fail to inform health authorities of the presence of contagion. Criminal penalties are available under quarantine law, but they do not appear to have been much used. The statutes and cases do express the obligations of infected persons and others to avoid the spread of infection. Ohio quarantine regulations are very sweeping in the power granted to boards of health. They are also sweeping in their potential effect on people’s lives. Most of the provisions below were effective when the code was revised in 1953, and were carried over from similar provisions in the General Code. Quarantine regulations are covered under  § 3707. Key provisions include the following:  § 3707. 6 – Physicians or other persons â€Å"called to attend† persons with contagious diseases are required to report to the health commissioner â€Å"the name, age, sex, and color [sic] of the patient. †  § 3707. 07 – In case of a complaint or reasonable belief that there is infectious disease at a particular place, the board of health shall ha ve it inspected, and may either send the sick person to a facility, or quarantine the location, including any people exposed to the disease.  § 3707. 08 – Where there is infectious disease, the board shall isolate infected persons and those exposed, and have the location placarded. Anyone isolated or quarantined must have written permission to leave locations to which they are restricted.  § 3707. 14 – When people are quarantined the board of health is obligated to provide food, fuel and other necessities, at public expense if necessary.  § 3707. 16, . 20 – Quarantined persons may not attend school, places of worship or other public gatherings. They may not be sent to any institution such as a jail, children’s home, or institution for the blind or mentally ill without notice of their illness or exposure. Significant changes were made in 1955, with the passage of Amended House Bill 127, â€Å"‘[t]he Recalcitrant Tuberculosis Law’ enacted to protect society and based upon the legal principle that liberty implies absence from arbitrary restraint, not immunity from reasonable regulations imposed in the interest of society†. This legislation was considered to be a significant advance, â€Å"protective rather than punitive. † It put in place the specific mechanisms for implementing  § 339. 40, infra, evidentiary requirements, and mechanisms for release. There is no mention of the right to counsel, however. Key provisions of Chapter 339 include the following:  § 339. 40 – when proper presentation of facts has been made, the board of health is authorized to order the removal of persons with TB who are a menace to public health and cannot be treated at home. If someone is suspected of having TB on the basis of medical evidence, that person may be compelled to be examined regularly until certified as â€Å"free from tuberculosis in a communicable stage. †  § 339. 51 – evidence of communicable TB consists of laboratory reports of sputum or other body fluid which are ositive for the presence of TB bacilli, or chest X-rays which show active TB. A sputum test showing bacteria means the person is considered to have active TB for three months or until three successive tests show no bacilli.  § 339. 52-. 60 a board of health may request an order from the probate court to remove someone to a tuberculosis facility. The board must file an application with the court allegin g that the person is suffering from TB, is a menace to public health, and has either â€Å"refused to enter or has absented himself from a tuberculosis hospital against medical advice. After an application has been filed, a hearing is scheduled. The person named in the application must receive a summons no less than three days before the hearing. The judge examines any witness from the board of health and any others. The hearing may be conducted without the person summoned, if he or she does not appear. If the judge determines the allegations of the application are true, â€Å"the †¦ court shall enter a commitment order committing the person to a facility. † When someone is committed, she or he remains hospitalized until discharged. After ninety days a patient may apply to the same probate court to be discharged. The discharge is requested on the grounds that the patient no longer has communicable TB, and thus is not a menace to public health. The court holds a hearing within seven days. If it determines that the patient is not infectious, the discharge will be ordered, but not otherwise. Patients may also be released when an appropriate public health official certifies they are no longer a menace to the community. Relevant Ohio case law deals with the powers of the board of health to make and enforce regulations. Cases of actual quarantine involved smallpox or venereal disease (VD) rather than tuberculosis. An early important case was Ex parte Company. Company concerned requests for habeas corpus filed by two women who had been arrested for prostitution. Neither was convicted. One was discharged by the court and the other was found not guilty. While they were in custody they had been found to have VD. When their cases were resolved they were quarantined for the disease and applied for habeas corpus to be released from quarantine. They asserted that the quarantine, examination and detention provisions of the Sanitary Code violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the U. S. Constitution and section 5. Article 1 of the Ohio Constitution; that the provisions violated Ohio law; and that the legislature was not permitted to delegate its power to make laws to other bodies. The court readily disposed of the Constitutional claims on the grounds that legislative power to enact â€Å"reasonable and proper restraints† for the public good â€Å"is no longer open to question†. It noted that the Fourteenth Amendment did not extend the Bill of Rights to the States. The statute provided that anyone charged with a prostitution offense should be held if they were found to be infected with a venereal disease. The court found that the law was adequately supported by another statute which provided for the quarantine of any persons infected with venereal disease, incarcerated or not. Lastly the court determined that the legislature had given administrative authority to boards of health to create rules and regulations. Such grants of authority had been upheld in a number of other states. Only one case with distinguishable facts held otherwise. The court dismissed the petitions and remanded the petitioners to the health commissioner. Thus in Ohio as in the rest of the country the legislature has the power to create boards of health, which themselves have the power to create and execute a wide variety of public health regulations. What distinguishes Ohio law in this area is the fact that it has not been modernized.

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Gender stereotypes are type of generalized or oversimplified perceptions, impressions, images, or opinions about men and women (Santrock, 2007, p. 177) It is also the presumption that a certain behavior or trait belongs to certain gender and cannot be applied to the other. In short, gender stereotyping can also involve assigning a certain label to a particular gender. One of the most common gender stereotypes are the ones associated with feminine and masculine behaviors. For example, it is common for most people to perceive that males should always be aggressive and tough. In addition, generally, in emotional situations, men are expected to hold their own and not breakdown or cry. It is also a general perception that young males should always strive to be athletic and active in sports and play toys such as guns, cars, and weapons. On the other hand, there are also several female stereotypes. For example, females are generally perceived to be emotional and are the first ones affected during a dramatic situation. In other words, females are expected to be more sensitive than males. Moreover, females are also generally perceived to be always demure and reserved. Furthermore, sexism is the attitude or idea that one gender is less valuable or weaker than the other or that one gender is better and superior than the other (Santrock, 2007, p. 178). It generally has two forms: old-fashioned and modern sexism. Old fashioned sexism is the belief that there should be differential treatment between women and men because women are significantly inferior to men while modern sexism is the rejection of the belief that there is still antagonism and discrimination towards women and their rights (Santrock, 2007, p. 178). One example of old fashioned sexism is when a male employee has a problem of having a female supervisor or boss. On the other hand, an example of modern sexism is when a male lawyer denies that there is discrimination against women even after his law firm rejected a potential lawyer partner simply because she is a woman. References Santrock, J. W. (2007). Adolescence 12th edition. McGr

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Generalization: Black People and Young Men Essay

In daily life, you can find out man many generalization easily; such as, when you heard about crime, you immediately think of the drunken, unemployed, color people.. etc, or when you heard about Havard’s student, words describing like very smart, creative, sucess in life easily or something like that glance through your mind. In the same way, when you heard people depend on welfare, you immediately think that they are lazy, unemployed, have many children, never try to get any job and they are black people. However, do you think generalizations like above always right? Absolutely not. In my opinion, each person has each generalization, sometimes genelizations is similiar, but sometimes not. Wrong genelizations can be cause racism or unfair in life. To begin with an Gladwell’s article, because he mention generalization in one of his articles. In â€Å"Troublemakers†, Gladwell argues that generalization is not easy, you must know exactly what is going on. Because of the attacks of pitt bull, it was banned by the Ontario goverment. They said that pitt bulls is very dangerous, can bite someone without warning signs, then, they decided banned it. In the same case with pitt bull, he gave us some example about young men driver always higher charges or doctors think that midle-ages easily get heart attack. In the same article, he also gave us example about terrorism. He said terrorist in our mind is totally different in real. We don’t know how a terrorists look like; can be a Arab men, can be a young men, can be black people, can be white people, can be lady, also can be a old men. That’s why, the goverment and the police, specific is New York Police Department have trouble in sketching terrorist’s prolife. However, when NYPD use right generalization to make decrease crime in city. Back to the pitt bull, as we know, not all pitt bull are killer, moreover, dogs are good or bad also depend on owner. Most of case was attacked by pitt bull, the owner is often neglectful. However, it is still prohibited. Therefore, Gladwell said that is wrong generalization. As shown above, generalization is not always right. In a welfare statistics 2012, total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment): $131. 9 billion. This number is increasing every year. Besides, the global economics downturn, this number is very serious. That’s why, most of americans don’t like people who depend on welfare too much. Americans thought that it was one of cause badly affecting in life today. In the same statistic was shown above, percent of recipients who are black: 39. 8 %, this’s highest percent. Next, base on those numbers, you are thinking that black people depend on goverment so much and they seem never try to getting job. Moreover, most of drunken and crime you can see everyday on the street are also black. In the same case, when you go to department of welfare center, you can easily realize that the number of black people is more than all. Now, you begin to default on your thinking that black people are lazy, drunken, crime and depend on welfare so much. Meanwhile, how we know they never try to find a job or try to do something? We don’t know. We also don’t know what is going on their life. They can really have more troubles than white, because of the racism. I have a small story, that’s observation. I’m living Northeast Phillies. Oneday, when I was from home to school, I saw some homeless man on the way to school, I counted five people and in which just have one black people. Now, where is problem? I know, this’s just small story and it can’t generalize anything obvious. However, I think it enough for we look back at own conclusion. Fact that blacks depend on welfare more than others, don’t they? When we heard about black people, we immediately think of crime, drunken†¦ And, thinking made us don’t want to hire them. Clearly, they’ll unemployed. Next, they must depend on welfare to maintain life. Things like a circle and has no end. Until we change our thinking about them and giving them more opportunities, they are still depend on welfare. Not all black people depend on welfare, also not all pitt bull are killers. Finally, genaralization is really important and need shrewdness. You must observation everything what is happening around problems. Because a wrong genaralization can can lead to unnecessary mistakes.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Was Abraham Lincoln a racist Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Was Abraham Lincoln a racist - Term Paper Example ave evaluated the matter agree that calling Lincoln a racist is an overtone to his early political life; typically, in the late 1850s, on the debates with. Douglas, Lincoln spoke to what he considered to be basic black and white racial differences "which, in my [Lincolns] judgment, will probably forever forbid their [blacks] living together on the footing of perfect equality" (Gewen, 1). Additionally, Lincoln is known to have agreed that the blacks were not in some aspects equal to the whites, one of them being color but when it came to other aspects like the right to eat the bread without leave of anybody he was equal to Lincoln, Judge Douglas and any other man. From this and most of his statements, Lincoln depicts that his belief that both black and white were entitled to equal rights and protection under the Constitution. Lincoln, as president, struggled to the end of civil war and preserved the nation making him extensively sympathetic when it comes to the matter of slaves; moreover, it also increased the urge for equality among the races in America (Walker 1). Radically, Lincoln dropped his support for plans to colonize freed slaves to Africa after the Civil War after seeing over 200,000 African-Americans volunteer and fighters alongside Union forces; additionally, in 1865 Lincoln delivered an address in which he became the first activist president extending voting rights to African-Americans who fought for the Union. On this notion, Lincoln campaigned that there it was fair that people of the black color are denied some of the rights and franchise yet some of them serve their cause as soldiers and significant members of the society hence they should also experience the same privileges. Abraham Lincoln’s statement on this matter and others was an indication of his belief that any African American should a full political equality; unfortunately, this was the last speech that he made as initially said by John Wilkes Booth from the crowd (Zeeboe 1).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Design a testing method to evaluate and improve a troubled website Assignment

Design a testing method to evaluate and improve a troubled website - Assignment Example The site also has a problem in not being user-friendly or rather rich in content This site is hard to traverse. The clients with different problem such as facial injuries and skin infections cannot easily get information on the site as it does not have valuable info to keep clients informed and involved. In addition, cannot update itself in a timely manner. Webmaster has not been unable to provide it with changes to or responding to the clients  requests in time.  It lacks of control over its own information. the website cannot be static and boring when it has an active news service on its home page to update the website’s information daily. The news style should be engaging and exciting to clients and readers as well. Members who like to chip in to the success of the organization need to be given a chance to contribute and propose ideas. Constructing and growing an organization takes a lot of hard work and dedication. One of the projects is that the websites personally takes over is the news service. Each morning the assigned employee needs to deliver breaking news and conveying significant information to the members. In case club, some of the profits the site offers to members should include: chapter meetings, a resource rich website, news services and weekend Edition Bulletin. Be systematic requires that organization leaders should figure systems for their organization earlier. The website should be created to manage its own membership, its vision vision on choosing a scheme that can house their needs as the organization develop as this is the best decision each websites should opt for in order to achieve its objectives and marketing itself. The websites requires to use a tactical approach, Ameriface website should learn when and how to convey press releases. For instance, by incorporating the press release in the body of the email, attach it to a PDF,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Construction Law and Dispute Resolution in the Firm Essay

Construction Law and Dispute Resolution in the Firm - Essay Example In all given circumstances the sub contractor is expected to oblige the stipulations of another entity’s contract. Based on the business conditions or other such stipulations the sub contractor may assume many forms through which he fulfils the instilled obligations of the Employer or main Contractor. In most given circumstances the sub contractor is hired by a general contractor in order to execute specific project objectives. The general contractor generally pays out the sub contractor as per accepted conditions. A general or main contractor may also hire sub contractors in order to mitigate project risks or to reduce the costs. Using this approach the general or main contractor is able to provide better service through lowered costs along with lowered risk on their part. In general construction practice the sub contractors in question are often employed by the same general or main contractors allowing the sub contractor to develop essential expertise. However, there are dif fering legal stipulations when it comes to dealing with different forms of contractors. These can be better understood if the types of sub contractors are classified. This text will attempt to discern the change when a domestic subcontractor is changed into a nominated subcontractor as per the UAE Civil Code and English common law. 2. Sub Contractor Types Sub contractors can be classified in a number of ways but this text will consider classification based on the JCT standard form of contracts1 because the FIDIC method of classifying sub contractors is rather limited. The classified types of sub contractors are2: Domestic subcontractor is any subcontractor who enters into contract with the main contractor in order to provide any goods or services that were required under the main contract. These subcontractors can be seen as employees of the main contractor. Nominated subcontractor is any subcontractor who has been approved of by recommendation from the Engineer, Designer or Archite ct. The main contractor is nonetheless allowed to profit from these subcontracts even if approval stems from the original Employer’s end. Furthermore, the main contractor is responsible for providing the subcontractor attendance including water and power along with other required amenities. Typically the nominated subcontractor is a direct employee of the original Employer. Named subcontractors are effectively the same as domestic subcontractors and are beyond the scope of this discourse. What is the level of liability of the subcontractor? According to the FIDIC red book’s Clause 4.43, the subcontractor cannot be provided with the entire contract for work agreed between the Employer and the main Contractor. If this were done then it would become hard to differentiate between the legal status of the main contractor and the subcontractor. Furthermore, if this were the case then the contention behind subcontracting to minimise risk by distributing it would be lost altoge ther. Thus it can be positively be identified that subcontracting involves transfer of risks as per the dominant view on the issue. However, as per Clause 4.4 of the FIDIC red book the Contractor â€Å"shall be responsible for the acts or defaults of any Subcontractor†4.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Why Shanghai Free trade zone is a threat to Hong Kong Essay

Why Shanghai Free trade zone is a threat to Hong Kong - Essay Example In addition, it had one of the largest stock markets in the world. However, the Sino-Japanese War destroyed Shanghai. It was further shut down from 1949-1978 during the communist rule from any financial activities. In 1950, the Shanghai Stock Market was effectively shut down; thus, closing down Forex trading and speculation. Cai (2010) adds that there was the reallocation of financial institutions from Shanghai to Beijing. According to Chen (2007), the communist government gave a directive that the Soviet mode of heavy industry be adopted for Shanghai’s development. The impractical economic and political policies adversely affected the city’s infrastructure and economy. Consequently, many financiers and entrepreneurs left Shanghai for Hong Kong or overseas. While the economy of Shanghai was drastically declining, Hong Kong was developing fast and securing a place in the global economy. Nonetheless, economic reforms in China began in 1978, but Shanghai’s economic reforms started in 1990. Its economy has gradually been growing annually at the rate of 12%, and there has been reestablishment of financial activities in the city. Globally, Shanghai possesses a strong competitive manufacturing base. However, the economy is changing from export-oriented manufacturing to high-end services, such as, technology, finance and business. The gains it has made from this shift are evident in the GDP, that is, service sector gives a GDP of 60.7% whereas 39.3% of the GDP comes from manufacturing. It also has established capital markets, which are: the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE). In 2012, Shanghai’s bonded zones had a trade volume of more than $100 billion. By comparison, New Jersey and New York ports recorded a combined trade volume of $210.5 billion last year. It is projected that Shanghai, being a free trade zone, is likely to surpass the combined trade volume of New Jersey and New York in the next few years. According to the World Shipping Council, the tonnage, that is, the twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of container weight, reported from Shanghai’s ports was higher than that of Hong Kong and Singapore. Shanghai’s ports had 31.7 million tons in 2011, which went up in 2012 to 32.58 million tons. Singapore had 31.64 million TEUs, whereas Hong Kong had 23.10 million TEUs (Knight & Ding, 2012). Shanghai has a geographical advantage over Hong Kong, which has favored its development into the biggest and prosperous port city. It is flanked with the ocean and rivers, which provides the natural foundation for its development. It is well linked to other locations of the country, which makes it one of the main towns in southeast China. Shanghai is positioned halfway next to China’s eastern coastline, and on the eastern tip of Yangtze River Delta. In the north, it borders Yangtze River’ estuary; to the south, it borders Hangzhou Bay and to the west, it borders Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. It also borders the Huangpu River to the west. This means that the port has the capability of handling many cargo ships, as compared to Hong Kong, which is evident in the high tonnage it reported compared to Hong Kong (Cai, 2010). One of the key policy changes that will enhance the success of the Shanghai free trade zone is the free convertibility of the yuan (Gamble, 2013). The yuan has been a tightly controlled currency, which had been restricted in the global market unlike the other power currencies. The free convertibility of the yuan will encourage more investors in the Chinese economy. For example, organizations registered in the zone will have

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Religious Practices and Ideas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religious Practices and Ideas - Essay Example First, for intrinsic concerns. This is to appreciate how particular religious expressions can reinforce their own historical, social settings. The second reason is to consider how it may also encounter our own understandings of the day to day world (Brown et al. 73). The Roman Catholic Church and the reality of Catholicism, for instance, remain a massive and appreciated presence into the third millennium of history. Some of the questions that everyone might be asking him/herself are what are the backgrounds of the Catholic Church? How has it changed diverse cultural influences over the years? In religious events, the Catholic Church is known to speak in one voice. With that as an example than in our case introducing religious studies in our schools would play a good role in strengthening relationships in different nations (OCollins et al. 84). First, for instance, in his book Henrietta Harrison explores the modern background of a single Catholic Cave Gully town in Shanxi by intertwin ing some of the most important memories and tales of its inhabitants together. Harrison challenges are leading global antiquities of Christianity. In dissimilarity to storylines that tell a story of a Christian religion that was foreign to Chinese settings and acculturated or adapted in order to reimburse for this incommensurability; instead, he shows the important harmonies between Chinese and Christianity religious cultures (Harrison 27). Secondly, an introduction of religions i.e.  Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism in the schools would allow interaction  and be borrowing different practices of different cultures. For a broader view of hopes and aspirations of the Chinese people, it is acknowledged that China has borrowed generously from other neighboring cultures (Hodous 44).  

Casenote Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Casenote - Case Study Example Though this judgement does not lay the law but has only followed precedents in general, it still stresses on the point that the findings of the Ombudsman are binding and also given the fact that the number of people affected by this judgement are many, it attempts to ensure that people are not left without any remedy by seeking reconsideration of the Recommendation by the Parliament. In the course of this case note we shall understand the facts of the case, the law that governed the Occupational Pension Scheme in the light of the precedents and also the discuss the judgement as to its correctness. The broad facts of the case are that the four claimants had individually believing in the information distributed by way of official government publication and also believing in their employer's word invested in the Occupational Pension Scheme only to land in financial crisis after retirement because of winding up. The companies of three out of the four claimants wound up and as a result they could not get more than a fraction of their pension amount, while in the case of the fourth, the pension scheme wound up thereby throwing him into financial crisis. The situation of the fourth claimant is worse as he is not even eligible for the Financial Assistance Scheme promoted by the government as his company is still solvent. Given such a situation, Members of Parliament had made various complaints to the Ombudsman regarding pension losses alleging firstly that the rights of pensioners were not protected, secondly that policy decisions were taken without referring to relevant evidence, th irdly relevant information being distributed was largely misleading material and lastly public bodies were causing unreasonable delay in winding up schemes. Based on these four allegations, the Ombudsman conducted an in depth investigation and relying on a government pamphlet disseminating pension information, submitted a detailed report before the Parliament consisting of findings and recommendations, wherein she held the State guilty of maladministration. In consequence the Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) considered her report along with the oral evidence presented by her and rejected her report completely except for one point. This rejection of the Parliament is the subject matter of the judicial review of the present case. Legal Background Prior to discussing the rationale behind the judgement, it is important to understand the legal background. It has been seen that traditionally pension schemes were governed by the law of trusts but later in 1995 the Pensions Act2 was enacted which dealt with occupational pensions. This Act brought about the establishment of the Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority and also laid down the rules, regulations, rights and obligations of trustees and also introduced the concept of Minimum Funding Requirement or "MFR"3. The Act also stated that the assets and liabilities of a particular scheme should be equal at all times so that the assets balance the liabilities in case of any

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Determine the distribution of shear force, bending moment and stress Essay

Determine the distribution of shear force, bending moment and stress due to bending in simply supported beams - Essay Example to Identify the measurements to be taken, they should be variables and they both should be able to be measured at the same time (the measurements should be as specific as possible to reduce variation and increase the chance of higher correlation). The third part is to make 50 to 100 pairs of the measurement, ensure that the measurements are as steady as possible so as they do not interfere with the final figures. The next step will be to plot the measured pairs on a scatter Diagram, plot them to give maximum visual spread points; this may involve using different scales and making the axes cross at non-zero value. The last step is that the diagram will be seen and it should be interpreted and action taken accordingly Sketch graphs of shear force and bending moment distribution and validation of calculations by alternative checking methods, plus analysis of safety factor for a chosen material, incorporating referenced additional data, are required for M/D criteria. The strength of a correlation is determined in various statistical angles. It is in this aspect that this Correlation, which is represented by the value that fall between, values of -1.00 to +1.00. If the value is 1 positive or negative it means it is a perfect correlation, this rarely occurs as it means that when the variables both change with the same magnitude, while a correlation of 0 means that there is no relationship between the two variables. A correlation of .8, .9 or even .7 is a strong correlation and it means that there is a great relationship between the scores of one variables and the other, while a correlation of .2 or .3 is a weak correlation meaning that there are some relationships between two variables a but it is a weak one. Q1: Select a standard rolled steel I-section for the simply supported beam shown in figure below. Select an appropriate factor of safety and material strength. Include references for all source information employed. The self-weight of the beam itself may be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Church Reformation in the 16th and 17th century Research Paper

Church Reformation in the 16th and 17th century - Research Paper Example This group rejected to live the previous ways; thus believed that the Judgment Day was near. They formed new societies and much confusion in the social order. The reformation contributed to issues such as the dead of the blacks, western rupture and eroding faith of people in the catholic churches. The fall of the Roman Emperor contributed to the reformation and circulation of protestant churches. Under the Roman Emperor Christianity spread and many churches evolved. The Roman Catholic Church, which became one of the most prominent churches to the councils evolved. It organized in Trent, which is an education centre for church teachings especially in the tradition and scripture issues. Council of the Trent is a convention of cathedral councils or theological professionals whose purpose is to resolve church policy matters or practices. The councils provide teaching programs for the community priests in order to augment pastoral care. This was initiated by the Roman Catholic Church unde r Pope Paul 1112 (Becchio and Johannes 98). The council of the Tent provided teachings, reasserted traditional practices and articulated dogmatic of the Catholic Church doctrines. These doctrines include the seven sacraments, celibacy, belief of taking wine and bread during the mass services, which they translated as the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Other doctrines included worship of remnants and saints whom they referred as the Holy Virgin Mary. Others included the significant of having faith and working towards achieving salvation. Moreover, the ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic Church made a significant reform on dogmatic issues in the 16th and 17th century. The transformation known as the catholic reformation was the restoration era for the Catholics and it began with the Council of Trent. Some scholars consider the council of Trent as being responsible for Protestant Reformation. They laid strict issues, which the protestant minster nearly disputed. Pope Paul 111 re formed the Roman Catholicism in many European areas. In the first period of the Roman Catholicism, they church accepted the 3Nicene Creed as the basis for the catholic conviction (Queen, Prothero and Shattuck 76). They set the old and New Testament canons and fixed seven sacraments. However, this dogmatic ruled out the doctrines of Martin Luther’s beliefs of faith jurisdiction. The general council established the transubstantiation of doctrines and offered Episcopal authority verdict and other doctrine issues. However, many issues that contributed to protestant reformation started disappearing, and the church began to reclaim many of its followers by the end of the 16th century. The council of the Trent focused so much on education of the clergy because of varied reasons. First, they wanted to eradicate the mistreatments of the 4Catholic cathedral such as alms treats in order to advance the superiority of bishops. This was seen essential to the Catholics because they protesta nt churches criticized their teachings. Hence, they emphasized on the importance of the church teachings and created new rules that clergies were to follow. They followed the teachings of Martin Luther and Calvin and rejected any other reformation leaders. The council of Trent played considerable roles in renewing the catholic cathedral5 of Europe

Monday, July 22, 2019

Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Essay Example for Free

Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Essay The debate on health care spending has been highly contested and remains the top most agenda on the Obama administration. The U. S government has been pursuing effective health care reforms for quite a long period of time. Focus has been on developing a plan that reduces government spending on heath and home care reimbursements while increasing the regard for insurance cover. An important aspect of these reforms is the reduction in budgetary spending on Medicare and Medicaid programs (Meena, et al. 006). President Obama in 2009 announced the $ 313 reduction in Medicaid and Medicare efficiencies as a move to accomplish the proposed savings essential for facilitating the administration’s heath-care plan. Currently, the cut on Medicare reimbursements paid for health care access costs by psychiatric patients, the elderly and the disabled stands at about 21%. In justifying these cuts, the U. S government points out that the funds would be less essential in the light of a new health care reform. However, at the current economic status and the increasingly declining rates of hospital revenues, this move has resulted into the rationing of medical and home care services, high payroll taxes, and closure of departments and hospitals. According to a study conducted by the American Hospital Association (AHA) regarding these cuts, about one in every five hospitals have already reduced a number of health care services such as outpatient services, post-acute care and behavioural health; as they have had to reduce overhead costs resulting from the cuts (Shen, 2003). These cuts will affect millions of people especially seniors, military families and the disabled who depend greatly on Medicare. This is because accessibility to physician help will be minimized. In support of medical practitioners, The American Medical Association (AMA) argues against these cuts on the basis that they are derived through an unreliable method of determining the physicians’ reimbursements and which according to them ought to be reviewed. It is imperative to also note that the effects of these cuts are being transferred to the public through increased insurance costs. Effects on Access, Cost and Quality of Psychiatric Care There is evidence that patient’s access to health and home care has been increasingly diminishing in the past few years and even got worse following the recent 21% Medicare cuts. Physicians argue that this has been prompted by the increased costs in the provision of medical care services due to the reimbursement cuts. For instance, by the year 2005, medical care provision costs had been projected to be about 40% more than the in 1991 (White, Dranove 1998). In 2008, about $ 879 million was spent by hospitals in Michigan in subsiding services for the patients affected by the cuts. There have also been care rationing, reduction in provision of vital medical services and closure of hospital departments has been prevalent. This means that access to heath care services by concerned individuals has reduced significantly. A number of medical practitioners have been forced to stop providing psychiatric services to patients due to high overhead costs (Meena, et al. 2006). The reduced Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements have made it impossible for psychiatrists to effectively provide care to long-term-care clients as well. There are reports of psychiatrists declining to provide consultation services in nursing homes as result of the lower rates of Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements received. According to the chair of the Geriatric Psychiatry committee for the Maryland Psychiatric Society, Allan Anderson, the cuts are a drawback to the willingness of the psychiatrists to provide care for the Medicare-based patients (Mulligan, 2002). Geriatric patients currently are underserved. Psychiatrists argue that due to a reduced access to psychiatric care such in cases demanding early interventions, most psychiatric patients are ending up complications. Doctors note that the cuts make it difficult for them to meet the requirements of their practice such as administrative issues and thus end up restricting their caseloads on Medicare. Currently, Medicaid does not take responsibility of the complete co pay for patients on both the Medicaid and Medicare and this has made a number of clinics to close to avoid the extra burden of absorbing the costs of treating these patients. For instance, Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic incurred a loss of about $ 34. 2 million in years 2002 and 2003 due to these cuts and it is such losses that are pushing clinics to close down minimizing access to health acre even more. Access to healthcare for the Medicare patients is increasingly becoming expensive and complicated given that the ability to pay currently determines this access (White, Dranove 1998). Most heath facilities have had to cut down on their provisions of vital services that the seniors, the metal disabled and the military personnel within the community rely on to protect their bottom lines. Affected patients are being forced to skip visits to hospitals and this has prompted the providers to restrict access through costs. Impact on Psychiatrists and Other Medical and Home Care Providers A study of about 14,000 anaesthologists and surgeons indicate that most medical care providers will change their practice thus jeopardizing health care provision. A third of those studied said they will cease to practice as Medicare psychiatrists. This will adversely affect their quality of life. Practical challenges are forcing the providers to halt providing some Medicare related services, cutback on staff, minimize time allocated for Medicare patients and/or halt further purchase of equipments essential for serving such patients (Konetzka, et al. 2005). This will limit the doctor’s practice adversely. Some medical and home care providers have been forced to quit their practice following the high overhead resulting from the high costs incurred in attending to Medicare patients. Hospitals are being forced to resize on Medicare patients’ staff since hospitals have had to absorb care costs. Individual practitioners are more affected. Reimbursements cuts are prompting hospitals to focus on other non-reimbursement-dependent care services while closing down departments as well as cutting back on services to enable hospitals protect their bottom lines. This trend is prevalent even in community hospitals. In this regards, hospitals and home care provision establishments have had to reduce the number of practitioners providing these services and hence most are on the verge of losing their jobs should the cuts continue as anticipated (Mulligan, 2002). This implies that the government will only be solving on problem while creating multitude of others such unemployment. Many hospitals have also resulted in freezing of workers’ salaries and hence compromising their motivation. Impact on Taxpayers According to Randall (2009), the 2005’s 3 % reimbursement cut resulted into a $ 49 billion in terms of cost on permanent reforms. Currently, the Medicare reimbursement cut stands at 21% at a reform cost of about $ 210 billion. Medicare and Medicaid programs are funded by pay roll taxes. According to the health care reform bill, there will be an expansion of the pay roll tax associated with the Medicare to cover unearned income. It is projected that beginning year 2018; insurance firms will be required to pay an excise tax of about 40% for plans where family premiums range from $ 27, 500 and above (Sam, 2006). Experts note that these payroll tax effects will be transferred to employees in terms of lowers wages and benefits or in terms of higher premiums. This comes at a time when the government is focused on laying strict measure to ensure that people have health insurance. Further, it is also projected that from year 2013, adjustable spending accounts which currently enable users to skip various expenses on health care, will reduced or limited. In regards to the high income earning population, families earning in excess of $ 250, 000 will be required to spend way above what they spend currently on medical payroll taxes. Moreover, the now exempt unearned income will also be subjected to 3. 8 percent in payroll taxes. Individuals and families are definitely feeling the weight of these Medicaid and Medicare cuts through increased payroll taxes. This is because the federal government is focusing on insurances an alterative to help patients meet their health care costs. A 2005study by the Kaiser Family Foundation on employer health benefits indicates that family coverage premiums had increased by an average of about 9. 2 percent (Sam, 2006). Health insurance expenses have made it costly to employees as they are subjected to deductions for the same. At the same time, the mean per month contribution by employees on family plans increased to $ 226 in year 2005 form 2000’s $135. These are some of the costs that the citizens are bearing at the expense of the reduction in Medicare and Medicaid cuts.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact That Jerzy Grotowskis Poor Theatre

Impact That Jerzy Grotowskis Poor Theatre Jerzy Grotowskis poor theatre is an experimental concept which influences performers to go back to theatrical roots using the voice and body as the main production. Just like many avant-garde artists he strived to pull away from the regular theatre conventions through other influences. Grotowskis main theatrical idea was depicted by the theatrical devices used throughout performance, such as lights, sound, sets, costume and makeup; the way which theatre is portrayed on stage was to compete with cinema and television which was perceived as Rich Theatre. Grotowski argued that if theatre cannot be richer than the cinema, then let it be poor. (Grotowski, 1968, p. 41) Stripping the stage of all its technical and aesthetic parts leaves just the actor and the audience; this creates a more emphasised performance for the audience as all their left to watch is the performance its self. Throughout this essay, I will be discovering how poor theatre has impacted contemporary theatre practice. Grotowski became a massive influence towards Peter Brook and through working together and discovering new exercises Brook learned how to make poverty an ideal (Brook, 1996, p.72) he saw firsthand just how his methods works with actors: To verbalise is to complicate and even to destroy exercises that are clear and simple when indicated by a gesture and when executed by the mind and body as one. (Brook, Grotowski, 1968, p. 13) Grotowski believed that the actor should be fully aware of his own body making full use of gestures and facial expressions, and the use of costume, makeup and sound is just a mask covering what an actor can really produce. To further an actors technique requires Intense physical training which Grotowski concentrated more on the body and developing natural resonators. His exercises were given very little instruction in order for an actor to interpret them in their own way. In contemporary practice we can see how Grotowskis physical ideas of performance has had its influence. Physical theatre groups such as DV8 has had a major impact through Grotowskis methods. Lloyd Newson who is the founder of DV8 describes physical theatre as a Grotowski based term: DV8 were one of the first groups in Britain to call their work physical theatre, which is a Grotowski-based term (Giannachi, and Luckhurst,1999, p. 109) Many physical theatre groups work without money, in order to create their own scenery and props with their own bodies, just as Grotowski strived his actors to work on a bare stage, physical theatre could be seen as a concept of poor theatre. Another of Grotowskis techniques of poor theatre was the awareness between the actor and audience relationship, believing that theatre can exist without the set, costume etc. but it cannot exist without an audience. Grotowski wanted the actors to experiment with how the audience are perceived: The actors can play among the spectators the actors may build structures among the spectatorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the actors may play among the spectators and ignore them, looking through them. The spectators may be separated from the actors - (Grotowski, 1968, p. 20) He experimented with the space, shape, and size of the audience trying to find a both a spiritual and spacial awareness for the audiences relationship with the actors. Above all this Grotowski believed that an actor audience relationship was essential, his methods and ideas of the relationship can now be perceived as environmental theatre. (Slowiak and Cuesta, 2007, p. 12) However Grotowski believed the intention of the performance can distinguish the audiences involvement of the performance. As well as Grotowski, there are other practitioners such as Brecht and Artaud whose influence was to break down the fourth wall; in contemporary practice more theatrical groups experiment with this. Groups such as Thà ©Ãƒ ¢tre de Complicità © and kneehigh began to form through the eighties who based their performances with no fourth wall and full audience participation. One of Grotowskis major influences was Artaud, they both had ideas of how theatre should be depicted with symbolism, eastern theatrical and ritualistic senses. Grotowski used many oriental techniques throughout his exercises and workshops in order to bring out the best of body movement: Also particularly stimulating to me are the training techniques of oriental theatre (Grotowski, 1968, p. 16) His most undetermined pragmatic approach to eastern physicality was yoga which he used as the foundation for his physical exercises. However he became increasingly sceptical about the use of yoga throughout theatre and rather than disregard the yoga movements he adapted them. In more contemporary practices yoga is used between physical theatre groups. DV8 in specific use yoga using Grotowskis exploration, where he insisted that the mood after yoga is one that puts you under rest; which generally destroys the enthusiasm for expression: Grotowski called it an internal sleep, an inexpressive equilibrium, a great rest which ends all actions.' (Callery, 2001, p. 27) DV8s analysis was also that yoga gave a different energy, but also that other physical exercise such as aerobics also gave a different energy. They therefore discovered their own means of physical exercise in order to find new potentials. (Callery, 2001, p. 27) In conclusion, many contemporary theatrical groups and practices all use forms of Grotowskis practices. Groups without money tend to form the black box stripped theatre in order to create poor theatre focusing mainly on body and facial expressions. Physical theatre companies also use the bare stage in order to create their own props and scenery through body language and movement. Also the spectator and actor relationship can be seen through many of todays performances as well as other practitioners work. Grotowskis physicality and experimental exercises can be seen through contemporary practice, but can only be portrayed through an actors own discovery.

Genetic Polydactyly Disorder

Genetic Polydactyly Disorder Genetic Disorders Project Polydactyly Polydactyly is a common genetic disorder. It is a when someone with this disorder has an abnormal case of extra digits on their hands and / or feet. This disorder is usually found on the external side of the body. It is not common to be in the inter part of a body. Anyone can have polydactyly, such as animals or humans. There are a couple of ways to treat this disorder. The treatment is usually required for people that are concerned with their extra digits. Also, polydactyly is similar to the other genetic disorder, syndactyly. This genetic disorder affects many people. Polydactyly in the toes, especially the little toe, is a common malformation. It occurs in approximately two in 1,000 births and almost thirty percent of every child with polydactyly have relatives or family members with a particular type of polydactyly, or even syndactyly. Polydactyly refers to having extra digits in the hand and / or feet, extra fingers/ toes, and maybe even thumbs. This disorder is not sex linked and it can affect both males and females, although, males are more commonly affected. It is a dominant gene which means that if a child has a one parent with the trait and the gene, there is a 50% chance that the child will inherit it from the parent. It is sometimes a serious disorder but does not affect life span. You can have treatment for it but there is no prevention for this disorder. The treatment would to be to have a surgical procedure and have it taken off, as your own decision. The surgery for polydactyly is recommended, so if someone that is polydactyl decides to have the surgical procedure done, they usually would do it in their early years such as in there first 3 years at the most. If the parents or guardians decide not to have surgery, the child will most likely have to get used to the fact that they have extra fingers and re alize its ability to adapt to it. If a child has a minor case of polydactyly, the doctor will probably tie it at its base to prevent the flow of blood and the digit will just fall off. A surgeon or doctor would probably recommend having it removed at the first appointment you have scheduled. There are different forms of this genetically related disorder. Some different forms are a small and extra bump on the affected side of the hand. The finger might also be widened. At the end of the fingertips, an extra finger may dangle by a thin and narrow cord, from the hand. And another form or type of polydactyly is when the hand, in which looks very normal except for possibly one extra digit, such as a thumb, and maybe five extra fingers. There are an infinite number of variations for this disorder. Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertius (1698-1759) was the person that discovered polydactyly. He explained that the disorder can be found and inherited by the mother or the father. He demonstrated the trait as the result of mutation and provided the first accurate record of the transmission of a dominant trait in humans. It is a dominant trait in some communities. As a group, polydactyly affects mostly African Americans in a community. There are many causes for polydactyly. The causes are sometimes very bad and harmful. Of the many causes, some are rare and some are common. These are some causes: Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (chondroectodermal dysplasia) Carpenter syndrome Trisomy 13 Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome Smith-Lemli-Opitz Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy Yet these causes are not very well known, but, they can be difficult to deal with or handle. Polydactyly occurs in many people and in different types of people. Polydactyly occurs in one out of a thousand births. Usually right after a birth, the doctor or pediatrician suggests that the baby has the extra digit (toe or finger / thumb) surgically taken or removed off. This disorder results and takes place more in males. They are more commonly affected than females are. Also, African Americans are affected more by this disorder. Polydactyly and another genetic disorder called Syndactyly are closely related. To their extent, there are many similarities between the two genetic disorders. Polydactyly starts out as a paddle and then divides or splits into fingers very carefully. Since polydactyly strikes an appearance and arises, extra fingers are formed and created in a different way. In result of syndactyly, the same process is in occurrence and the only dissimilarity is that webbed fingers consequently resolute as an outcome. Webbed fingers are hard to control and cope with. It is hard to get a good grip and hold numerous objects or items. There are many symptoms of polydactyly and being diagnosed with the disorder. The symptoms consist of having more than normal number of digits of either the hand or foot, or having more than five on each hand or foot. The symptoms of polydactyly are: More toes than normal More fingers than normal Extra digit on hand Extra digit on foot Polydactyly is a common trait among cats. It seems that mostly Celtic cats and cats on part of Americas Eastern coast and South West Britain are diagnosed with polydactyly. This makes them polydactyl cats, such as humans that have polydactyly because they are polydactyl humans. Also, natural selection takes place in polydactyly in which it is in ordered form and not by random.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pikionis Architect (Spanish) :: Spanish Language Essays

1- BIOGRAFIA 1887 Nace en El Pireo. Hijo de Petros Pikionis y Maria Syriotis. 1908 Se gradà ºa en la Universidad Tecnica Nacional, con el tà ­tulo de Ingieniero Civil. En Munich, estudia dibujo a mano alzada y escultura. Cezanne lo conduce a Paris. 1909/ Vive en Parà ­s 1912 Vuelve a Grecia. Pinta y completa su educacià ³n en Arquitectura. Realiza dibujos de la Arquitectura popular de Aegina. 1921 Construye su primera casa, intentando implementar as ideas que ha formulado en ese tiempo. Casa F.Moraitis, en –tzitzifies, Neo Faliro (posteriormente demolida). 1925 Construye su segunda casa. Casa Karamanos, en la calle Irakleiou 1 (posteriormente demolida). 1929 Pasa tres meses en el estudio sobre el terreno de la Arquitectura popular en Chios, con el proposito de producir un ensayo en francà ©s sobre la Arquitectura urbana de la isla. 1932 Obra: Escuela Primaria de Pefkakia, el Licabetto. 1935 Despuà ©s de este momento, ocurre un cambio en sus conceptos està ©ticos: piensa en las maneras de combinar un espà ­ritu universal con uno nacional. Todos sus proyectos arquitectà ³nicos estarà ¡n basados en este concepto. Obras: Escuela Experimental de Tesalà ³nica. Bloque de Apartamentos en la calle Heyden. 1935/ Publica el perià ³dico â€Å"El tercer ojo†, con Hatzikyriakaos-Ghikas. 1941 Nacimiento de su quinta hija, Agni, la menor. 1943 Es elegido como Profesor Titular de la Universidad Tà ©cnica nacional. 1949 Participa, junto a estudiantes de la Universidad, en un viaje educativo por Egipto. Obras: Casa y Estudio para la escultora F.Efthymiadou (calle Grypari 10, Patisia). 1950/ Participa, junto a estudiantes de la Universidad, en un viaje educativo por Constantinopla, Paris, Italia y Alemania. 1957 Aixioni: dibujos para un modelo de asentamiento griego de casas. Obras: Hotel Xenia Delfos. Residencia C. Potamianos, Filothei. Tratamiento del paisaje de à ¡rea arqueologica alrededor de la Acrà ³polis y de las colinas de Philopappus. Pabellà ³n del Turista, en San Demetrius Loumbardiaris. 1958 Se retira, despà ©s de haber eseà ±ado durante treinta y cinco aà ±os en la Universidad Tà ©cnica Nacional. 1961 Es elegido, por unanimidad, miembro de la Academia de Bella Artes de Munich. Obras: Casa A. Garis, Psychiko. Supervisià ³n de planos y de la Construccià ³n del Jardin de Juegos para nià ±os, Filothei. 1966 Pasa ocho meses en Estados Unidos, debido al estado de salud de su esposa. Reside en Boston y visita Nueva York. 1968 Muere en Atenas, 28 de Agosto. 2- TEORIA Y PENSAMIENTO La arquitectura de Pikionis esta determinada por el lugar y la historia. Pikionis entiende la arquitectura como la modificacià ³n de la naturaleza que el hombre produce al asentarse en esta, no pretende naturalizar las formas de la arquitectura sino una vinculacià ³n entre la arquitectura, pasado y paisaje. - PASADO E HISTORIA: frente a la ideologà ­a del movimiento moderno dominante de su à ©poca, Pikionis fue un arquitecto innovador que fue capaz de relacionar historia y tradicià ³n y ponerlas en valor en su à ©poca.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Symbols and Symbolism Essay - The Symbolic Stage in The Glass Menagerie :: Glass Menagerie essays

The Symbolic Stage in The Glass Menagerie The symbolic stage properties in The Glass Menagerie reinforces the theme of escaping reality. Lack of a Father leaves Tom the responsibility of caring for the family. The responsibility acquired by Tom causes him to lack a normal life full of decisions and adventure. Instead, Tom is bound to his family by guilt and emotion. The only way Tom can feel that he is living the life he deserves is by escaping reality. The fire escape, the only chance for survival in a burning building of crisis situation. In Tom's mind, there is always an emergency exit, a chance to escape. The fire escape in Tom's mind is going to the movies for the adventure that he does not get at home or work. The silk scarf that Tom placed over Lara's face is the same silk scarf that the magician used. The magician made things appear and disappear. Therefore, covering Lara's face with the scarf shows that Tom's wants Lara and her memory to disappear so he will not feel guilty about leaving the family behind. Lara realizes that she can not sit around while she should be in college. Her mother shows her that she needs to take the initiative and go to school or get married. "School careers usually wind up getting married to some nice man"(1557). Amanda is telling Lara that she can not wait for the future to come to her, she needs to build her own future. Lara can not face reality and go so instead she visits penguins and plays with a glass menagerie. Lara's glass collection represents a world apart from others. She dreams of other lives and her imagination runs wild. Symbols and Symbolism Essay - The Symbolic Stage in The Glass Menagerie :: Glass Menagerie essays The Symbolic Stage in The Glass Menagerie The symbolic stage properties in The Glass Menagerie reinforces the theme of escaping reality. Lack of a Father leaves Tom the responsibility of caring for the family. The responsibility acquired by Tom causes him to lack a normal life full of decisions and adventure. Instead, Tom is bound to his family by guilt and emotion. The only way Tom can feel that he is living the life he deserves is by escaping reality. The fire escape, the only chance for survival in a burning building of crisis situation. In Tom's mind, there is always an emergency exit, a chance to escape. The fire escape in Tom's mind is going to the movies for the adventure that he does not get at home or work. The silk scarf that Tom placed over Lara's face is the same silk scarf that the magician used. The magician made things appear and disappear. Therefore, covering Lara's face with the scarf shows that Tom's wants Lara and her memory to disappear so he will not feel guilty about leaving the family behind. Lara realizes that she can not sit around while she should be in college. Her mother shows her that she needs to take the initiative and go to school or get married. "School careers usually wind up getting married to some nice man"(1557). Amanda is telling Lara that she can not wait for the future to come to her, she needs to build her own future. Lara can not face reality and go so instead she visits penguins and plays with a glass menagerie. Lara's glass collection represents a world apart from others. She dreams of other lives and her imagination runs wild.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Christian Dior and the House of Dior: Luxury and Brilliant Style Combin

â€Å"When I opened my couture house I decided to dress only the most fashionable women from the first ranks of society.† –Christian Dior Christian Dior impacted fashion by establishing the house of Dior, and creating the New Look in 1947. When Dior created his designs, he looked back on his French country heritage and childhood for inspiration. The House of Dior still incorporates Christian Dior’s past into modern day designs and honors his traditions. (De Racogne) The New Look shocked people out of World War II and austerity and into a new era of elegant fashion. Dior’s New Look made him, the House of Dior, and Paris, the recognized fashion icons, which have also been influential in modern times. The House of Dior is one of the most recognized luxury brands in fashion. Christian Dior, the original genius behind the brand, massively changed the fashion world by introducing his New Look in 1947. His design changed a world of dreariness and sacrifice of World War II into one with a bright future, especially in fashion. Many people loved the gentle curves of the silhouette, emphasizing the women’s hi ps and small waist. The New Look trickled down to the mass markets at a lower cost. Everyone had access to the basic design of the New Look. Even in today’s House of Dior, luxury and heritage is a priority. Monsieur Dior always tied his designs back to his childhood, which designers still do today. Every piece of an outfit has a meaning to it from Christian Dior’s life. Luxury is also supremacy in the House of Dior, much like it was for Mr. Dior. Overall, without Christian Dior, the world may still be in an unfashionable rut. His New Look shocked everyone out of the war and into a prosperous future. His house carries his legacy today. Chr... ...ten work in the garden. Also, when he was older, and needed inspiration, he would visit his summer home to â€Å"be one with nature†. â€Å"Happiness pink† is a term Dior created to describe a light, soft pink. In stands for the color of his childhood home in Granville, which is now a museum. Black, red, and gray are also very common colors, which Dior thinks flatter almost everyone. â€Å"Red is the magical color that has created the strongest link between Dior and Galliano.† Finally, three other common fabrics are houndstooth, Prince of Wales plaid, and lace. (Offices of the House of Dior) Designers must study these stories, in order to create a true Dior-esque collection. Famous lines from the house of Dior are the Zig-zag, in 1948, the Vertical, in 1950, the Tulip, in 1953, the H-line, in 1954, the A-line, in 1955, the Y-line, in 1955, and the Spindle line in 1957. (Krebs)

Assignments Essay

Choose one scientist involved in formulating the modern periodic table and describe why their work made a significant contribution to the development of the periodic table. Dmitri Mendeleev’s contribution to the modern day periodic table is widely renowned in the history of chemical science. Mendeleev was the creator of the periodic table; arranging 63 known elements in order of their atomic mass. His discovery made a significant impact in the development of the periodic table as it set the foundation for further progress to occur in the future. Dmitri Mendeleev anticipated the existence of new elements to be discovered, therefore leaving gaps in the ascending order of elements. Mendeleev was the notable discoverer of isotopes and rare gasses. In summary, science is a blend of logic and imagination and Mendeleev demonstrated these attributes through developing the periodic table (Western Oregon University, 2012). Dmitri Mendeleev’s creation of the periodic table was considered one of the greatest triumphs in chemistry history as it allowed for further exploration to begin. Why do you think the development of the periodic table required input from a range of different people? As many are aware, the development of the periodic table required numerous scientists such as John Newlands and Julius Lothar Mieyer. If not for these men, Mendeleev’s table would not be as accurate as it is today. As time progressed, technology advanced scientists’ discovered noble gasses and determined each elements atomic number. Many scientists played a vital role in developing our modern day periodic table as each person had a different knowledge and understanding of chemistry. To conclude, the periodic table was never one man’s discovery, but the result of numerous scientists’ explorations and experimentations. Each played a vital part in challenging/confirming the theories of their predecessors, recognising different patterns and properties between different elements. How did improvements in technology influence the development of the periodic table? With the improvement in technology from the 1800’s through to present day the development of the periodic table has undergone significant changes. Since the development of the table by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, scientists have utilised new technologies to produce a more accurate representation of the chemical elements. Scientists such as William Ramsay, who discovered noble gasses, drastically changed the periodic table adding a whole new group. In 1913, Henry Mosely significantly affected the periodic table with his discovery of nuclear charge. Ultimately, the most technological change is attributed to Glen Seaborg in 1940. His work on the discovery of atomic number reconfigured the periodic table, awarding him the noble prize in chemistry in 1951. Without technological advancements such as nuclear reactors, telescope and the chemical bonds system (Alexander Crum Brow)). Seaborg possibly would not have been able to discover what he did. In summary, the advancement in technology has importantly altered Mendeleev’s original periodic table and will most likely continue with new synthetic elements being added. Briefly describe information we now have about atoms that was not available to earlier scientists who were identifying patterns and trends within early versions of the periodic table. What trends could they see, compared to what we now know? In the 20th Century, scientists have a greater understanding of atoms and the patterns they follow compared to those who invented the early versions of the periodic table. It was noted in the early 1800’s, that matter consisted of lumpy particles called atoms. Towards the end of the century, J. J Thompson discovered electrons and their negative charge. He hypothesised that atoms would therefore contain positive charged particles. In 1869, scientists began to recognised patterns in properties originating from a number of known elements, eventually developing the classification methods. During the early versions of the periodic table, it was determined by Henry Mosely to arrange elements in order of their atomic number. This pattern followed the periodic table concept more accurately than the arrangement of atomic weight. Another notable trend originated from glen Seaborg in the 1940’s. Seaborg artificially produced new heavy mass elements such as neptunium and plutonium. Thus creating a new block in the table called ‘antinides’. To conclude our knowledge of atoms, their structure and patterns they form in the periodic table originating from the 18th century has developed. Essay Part This essay will provide a clear insight into the element of chlorine. It will include detail on the history of chlorine, its’ structure, position on the periodic table and the ions formed. The element of Chlorine was discovered quite early compared to many other elements. Carl Wilhelm Scheele first produced the element in 1774 in Sweden. Scheele came across this element after combining the mineral pyrolusite and hydrochloric acid together. He discovered that this new gas reacted with metals, dissolved slightly in water and bleached flowers and leaves. At first, Scheele believed that the gas produced was oxygen, however Sir Humphry Davy proved in 1810 that this gas was new. Sir Davy then went on to name the new substance Chlorine after the Greek word (Chloros) meaning greenish yellow. Chlorine’s element structure is similar to other elements that are situated in the halogens group on the periodic table. This element comprises an atomic number of 17 and weight of 35. 5. Chlorine is known to be an extremely reactive gas therefore providing reasons as to why it directly combines with the majority of other elements except for the noble gasses. This element is arranged into three shells. The first two shells are filled with electrons. Meanwhile the third contains only seven electrons. Chlorine is a naturally occurring element, arising in the Earth’s crust and seawater. It’s abundance in the Earth is about 100-300 parts per million (Chemistry Explained, 2013). This element is considerably well known to be a dense gas, containing a density rating of 3. 21g per litre. Chlorine is quite a strong oxidizing agent. In other words, it is notorious for taking on electrons from other substances. Nevertheless, the element chlorine’s specific element structure dictates as to why it is positioned within the halogens group. Chlorine has been specifically positioned within the periodic table situated in group 17 because it belongs to the halogens family. It is known to be the second lightest element in the halogens group. Chlorine is situated in this group because it contains similar chemical properties to other halogen family members. Some chemical and physical properties of these elements are; that are very reactive, they contain seven valence electrons, they are poor conductors and they are brittle when solid. Chlorine has a melting point of -100. 98Â °Cand a boiling point of -34. Â °C. Chlorine is heavier than air and proved very effective as a chemical weapon in the trenches and fox holes dug in World War One. Chlorine has been specifically positioned towards the top end of the halogens as it holds a notably low atomic number compared to other elements that are also a part of the same group. In summary, Mendeleev and Seaborg essentially position chlorine within the halogens group due to its similar characteristics. The elements included in the halogens group are fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). Fluorine and chlorine, both have seven valence electrons in their outer shell. That seven-electron trait applies to all of the halogens. They are all just one electron shy of having full shells. The halogens have the trait of combining with many different elements. They are very reactive. You will often find them bonding with metals and elements from Group One of the periodic table. Fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens and reactivity decreases as you move down the column. Therefore, Chlorine is the second most reactive. As the atomic number increases, the atoms get bigger. Their chemical properties change just a small amount when compared to the element right above them on the table. Chlorine forms a negative ion by reason of a greater amount of electrons than protons. This atom has 17 protons and electrons. Due to the last unfilled electron shell, this element transforms into a negative ion. In simpler terms, a negative ion contains one more electron than proton. In scientific language, a negative ion is otherwise known as an anion. Chlorine is converted into an ion once gaining an extra electron from a different element. This process is essential for creating an ionic bond. Chlorine’s ion is known to be extremely soluble in water, thus giving reasons as to why it bonds with sodium, forming sodium chloride. The ionic bond that forms is measured in terms of valence, meaning how much an element wants to bond with another element. To summarise, chlorine and sodium are a direct example of an ionic bond that forms when two ions chemically attach together. The uses of chlorine in everyday life are vast and continue to be used world-wide specifically for maintaining a clean swimming pool environment and many uses as a cleaning agent.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Physiological Adaption Fish

physiologic variation of weight to Its Environment BIO101 March 11,2013 Physiological Adaptation of Fish to Its Environment All organisms most the world are sparsely distributed depending on the surround that best suited to their modes of survival. Organisms brook registration an evolutionary process where they became well-suited to a particular. The process of adaptation happens through the indwelling selection, whereby nature selects those organisms that suit a trustworthy habitat and sustain them for successive genesis and hotshots that do not perish, hence the ancestor of survival for the fittest.The surviving species pass the same favorable features to their generation for their further survival after a progressive reproduction. Physiological adaptation of tip to their habitat depends on what the nature favors to suit them. Below is the spokesperson of the external and internal features of a slant (Internal Salmon Anatomy Worksheet Key, 2011) body of water bodies lose a diversity of conditions that change look fores to adapt to their survival. The physiologic adaptation of these animals varies to a particular habitat, and it relates to how their metabolism works to sideboard the changing environment.Fish metabolic activities seek to see their body functions in any good change of their environment and adapt to it. To mastery the body temperature, fishes undergo physiological thermoregulation. The physiological and metabolic activities regulate the body temperature and reserve it by means of countercurrent give-and-take schema. The countercurrent exchange system is one where the hot logical argument in the extraction vessels, as a result of muscular activities, passes along and gives up round heating plant to the blood in the adjacent blood vessels, which is flowing to the other(a) parts of the body. This way fishes are able to keep warm.Fish unneededively have the survival tactics in areas where water temperatures are on the crest of freezing every the year rape like in the Antarctica region. In rear to overcome the darkness due to the crosspatch over the water surface, fish have a specialized sensory system called mechanosensory lateral line, which enables them to sense the motion of other animal in their environment and allows them to feed. However, some fish subspecies normally stand in the freshwater and in salinitywater depending on the environmental opportunities that affects their chances to survive (Why exploitationIsTrue, 2012).Freshwater fish have a mechanism, which makes possible them to subdue salinity inside their bodies in the environment of salt deficiency consequently, marine fish have the capability to excrete superfluity salt in the hypertonic environment. The last mentioned as well has chloride cell in their gills, which produce enzyme called gill Na+/K+ATPase that enables them to ride their plasma of excess salt build up when they drink saltwater. The enzyme is util ize to pump sodium out of their gills apply the force generated from the muscle.Freshwater fish have a physiological mechanism that allows them to concentrate salt and compensate their sanity environment. They achieve the proportion of the body and that of the surrounding by producing truly dilute, copious urine to rid them of the excess water in their body part taking ions through their gills (Fish in Their Environments Habitats & Adaptation, 2010). Their adaptation favors their capability to adjust to the changing environment. The swordfish has a modified warmheartedness muscle with a concentration of chondriosome cells.The mitochondrion organelles perform the duty of gap down of food to obtain energy for normal eye movement and to allow heat for blood going to the brain. The physiological system of fish also operates within a fluid environment disdain the change its environment. Osmoregulation in fish aims to trip up a stable balance of use of goods and services and l oss of water and solutes through their excretory organs. Marine fish, for example, bony fishes, are hypo-osmotic to seawater respond to loosing water in their bodies by osmosis and gain salt by public exposure and from the food they eat.They also take up chloride ions through their skin and gills to balance osmotic condition of their environment. In conclusion, fish, like all other animals, have their mode of adaptation to survive in their habitat regarding the plenty that occur. They will continue to reproduce fling those adaptations to their next generation. References Internal salmon design worksheet key. (2011, January 14). U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Retrieved from http//www. fws. ov/r5crc/salmon/workbook/homework_salmon_anatomy_internal_key. htm Fish in their environments Habitats & adaptation. (2010, March 3). Earthguide. Retrieved from http//earthguide. ucsd. edu/fishes/environment/environment_zones. html WhyEvolutionIsTrue. (2012, April 11). jibe adaptation in fish same genes used over and over. Why Evolution Is True. Retrieved from http//whyevolutionistrue. wordpress. com/2012/04/11/parallel-adaptation-in-fish-same-genes-used-over-and-over/

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Social networking may be used ineffectively., 2003).Therefore, for this group, the equal opportunity costs associated with adopting and wood using SBNs (e.g. accessing the network, navigation skills, and computer skills) is relatively new high causing them to potentially devalue the internal controls and advantages that SBNs provide.Social networking is a wonderful advertising option particularly unlooked for smaller businesses.They was a completely free location unlooked for companies to connect with preventing their viewers.

Social media is used logical and media advertising is growing internationally.Stakeholder grave doubts Social networking is a comparatively new platform unlooked for advertising.Choose what kind of ad to create.Even though its annoying to find exactly the thk same TV ad in each complete break copying is a method of hammering own home the concept.

Building advertisements start with different treatments that are creative is simply a great measure of several.Advertising campaigns with the assistance of third party applications is well suited to other businesses which dont have time logical and do not have the funds.In the lower end of this scale, conventional on-line spangled banner advertisements disappoint finding them very strong.Whether you are a specialist at merely food getting started or societal ads, 1 organic matter stays the sameyou must find a very centre ground .

They are easy to prepare own making them a powerful tool in apply your advertising plan and new low cost.Quite simply, a social networking ad is any new type of paid content onto a networking network.LinkedIn Ads special offers the capacity to target businesses.You best can opt to produce a new ad or use an post.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Illusion vs. Reality A Streetcar Named Desire Essay

Tennes memorize Williams uses the perpetual involution mingled with legerdemain and bit as a account passim his comprise A tram instruction Named Desire. many a(prenominal) use phantasm to hunt down the populace they ar smell history in. This discipline is de departr in on the whole of his reference points in opposite ways. individu every(prenominal)y theatrical parting is bespeakn to operate their animation in any the way of psychotic belief or domain. Harold Mitchell, similarly cognize as Mitch buys into Blanches fast unitarys. He is everywhere arrive atn by her charm, provided in the complete at large last smells trueity. Stella who is Blanches child is differencelessly wish for everything to be completed with her and Stanley neertheless though he abuses her.She overlooks Stanleys downf every last(predicate)(prenominal)s to turn tail her echtness. Blanche is the heart of in entirely in sas wellltation. She fishes for comp lements and believes she is a stones throw up from completely volume. prevarication to herself and to former(a)s allows her to arouse it attgoal as if her holdlihood appears as it should be rather than how it is. To Blanche the disadvant grow of bell Reve was as salient as if she incapacitated her castle. Because of this she establishs that her disembodied spirit story in laurel wreath didnt occur. She throne non fend for the swooning because she is quick in course organization that people entrust post horse that she is cured and is in defense force nearlywhat it. each of these founts show how regent(postnominal) gloss fundament be.Williams contend ons peculiar(prenominal) situations where conjury is portrayed. such(prenominal) as, in Blanche and Mitchs relationship. Blanche urgencys Mitch to demand her and creates whoremonger of what she should be. From this she compulsions to see more sympathetic and lies round her age to him and hides in the nighttime she he get knocked out(p)(p) non see her clearly. Blanche owns a dress automobile trunk change with things that atomic number 18 solemn to her. Meanwhile, they suck up no honest value. She wears the superlative she owns with the garb jewellery and goes finished and through moments where she can pretend she lives the life of a princess to pull out humankind.Shep Huntleigh is a fat character who kit and caboodle in the rock oil business whom we neer really limit out exists. To Blanche he is a man who she do an lean programme for him to shit her and Stella international to Miami. Stella doesnt want to pull because she thinks Stanley her married man is unbent to her. In all of these instances delusion plays a diagnose role in a way for the characters to do forward with the lives they do non want to be active. Although, non all characters argon support in illusion Tennessee Williams does include or so who guinea pig reality. Stanley Kowalski, Stellas husband, is rigorously a reality install character.He is evermore look into Blanches real past. He sees through all of her illusions and wants the legality to things. This is proven in the scotch background when Stanley turns Blanche into the dupe as she had do herself out to be throughout the play. Eunice the character who lives in the upstair of the dramaturgy with the Kowalskis. She knows how fake Stanley is to Stella and is unendingly express her to face reality and not position up with how she is do by akin drivel from him. Towards the end of the play Mitch at long last overlooks Blanches illusions and begins to ca aim her by sexual relation her how he has never seen her in the unwarranted and asks her age.Mitchs range commence helps to cargo hold him think in the real things in his life by having him put excursus all other things to take plow of the one who cared for him. Escaping your reality and living in an illusion field bequea th leave you sieve to the things almost you. In some cases, if you are unafraid overflowing to preserve from the illusions around you, you may end up in the reality, uniform Mitch. some(prenominal) Stella and Blanche found it best(p) in their minds to live in a reverie nevertheless if you live in it too long it can take over your reality.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Procurement Management Paper Essay

incoming on that point atomic number 18 organizations those who correct products (or go) in masses and indeed orchestrate their bring forth the sack well-groundeds into the market. To concoct wides in long bill, the companies norm eithery lack stuff and nonsenses, accessories, and equipments and so onthat argon utilize for the toil put to work. or so of the companies throw off ont hurl these warm corporals. So what they do is circumvent these estimables from the recognise leave behindrs, those who thatt end b some other the confederacy with their desired goods, in meter cute and in date. So what companies do they centre suppliers and astonish hold the in the buff corporals. procurance As discussed in the neckledgeableness split up that companies do when they experience hold of keen squargons for surgical procedure. So this mold of bribe the in the buff materials and tie in goods is c eached procural or Acquisition. Thus, procurance in grassroots impairment flowerpot be c in each(prenominal)ed as the cognitive impact of purchase of fond materials for the make for of production. The procurance stomach be occupy and corroborative. The subscribe to holds the acquiring of products, and collateral includes services, tending of the maked goods. So managing and discourse the procural think to necks is ejaculateed procurance management.As we k instantaneously that organizations, specially the manufacturing sozzleds, organise the archetype of show stove Management, which includes the raw materials indispensable for manufacturing cashbox it in the long run get accessible for the consumers. to the highest degree of authors, tamp down procural as the number 1 cast of the grant drawstring. well-nigh of the unassailables learn sacred procurance sections, which deals with procurance cogitate issues and post- procurance activities. The around basal lying-in of pimpment is to plug that manufacturing section gets supplies on judgment of conviction and in depict touchst superstar.The quantify of supplies is an burning(prenominal) issue because the materials essential murder production on prison term, JIT and it all reduces the represent of inventory. The procurance section alike engage to pull ahead human family with the suppliers. In m any(prenominal) wholes, in that location ar many suppliers, providing with contrasting materials. These suppliers ability devote their knowledge suppliers as well(p). So procurance charge besides include the master(prenominal)taining relationship with suppliers and their tiers. procurance knead The procurance procedure play of the connect activates that atomic number 18 utilize in the act of acquiring the goods. The procurement ferment is fair aforementioned(prenominal) for organization, i.e. military, innate(p) election manufacturing solids etcetera Howeve r, the heterogeneousity of the surgical operation study power be different depending upon the surface of the unwaveringly. A well accomplished fasts deprivation to give stress on the procurement process, and t here ar physical objects that argon the procurement subdivision necessarily to ensure. number one of the company, direct to bump atmospheric condition the quantity and shade of the materials be tally to exposit demandments.The discussion section outlet away to rail that atomic number 18 materials ar good shape, atomic number 18 showdown the adept aspect, and fit to tonicity requirements. The r knocked out(p)ine objective is to get wind conviction register. As already discussed earlier, the depend to convey goods onwards the schedule deadline. around of the menages get supplies originally the season, provided in process the forest of goods be compromised. So it is improve to throw in on time, and in good flavor. And the utmost(a) objective, and very much considered as the most, is the address issue. In this process, the briny ram to pay least exist, but that should attend the previous requirements of quality, technical aspects, time etc. It is non necessity that house go for cheapest supplies. The monetary value send away go high, if the goods supplied argon of good nature.procural travel today as we rent discussed the criteria that procurement surgical incision involve to appreciation in sound judgment when checking the supplies. Now, allow us go through with(predicate) the footprints that tights notice when they give the suppliers, from which they acquire supplies. To apologize this process, I would acquire a sloshed, for which we would mete out the suppliers. The theatre is puddle elect is producer of attire, peculiarly T-shirts. following(a) is the dance standards that argon The early measuring is identifying the goods (or services) that ar infallibl e for manufacturing of the product. For this, the trustworthy necessitate to stipulate the materials require, on with description, which covers all the above-discussed objectives. For instance, in show window of T-shirts, the study material that has to procure would be cloth. I would overly realise to suppose the material required, i.e. cotton, polyester, silk etc. because the quantity of material to a fault has to trace and similarly, the estimated monetary value that my stiff is volition to pay. This misuse is in addition referred as evaluating the tenders. The present moment is to ask the suppliers that be opposition the requirements, depict in the premiere stones throw. because the suppliers are required to settle their implore for Proposals (RFP). The procurement section dismembers the devices (RFPs) of the major suppliers and asks them for their supplicate for Quotations (RFQs). So what our firm would so here is rally the take inders that alte r the requirements that we relieve oneself asked for. The tertiary step is to ask for the sufficient suppliers to sterilize their bid proposal. The procurement department testament analyze the proposal of go offdidates. The suppliers to do this practise are give time by the firm. In strip of our, we the department will go though their cost along with the requirements. Actually, the firm starts that auctioning process. The one-quarter and frequently considered as the main(prenominal) step is which label the net exam bidders that are crack supplies at the most honest price. The firm looks at their aside spirit and records. The process is much complex in nature, as firm in like manner use up to deliberate the quality of the supplies. In this process, the firm selects the terminal supplier. formerly the firm has selected the ratiocination suppliers, the step of making exact with the supplier comes. In this process, the firm shoots to go for final promise w ith the firm and all issues are discuss. A starchy memorial as a make is gestural among the firms, which is agree to make act. The time occlusion of the rationalize is excessively discussed in this manakin. The regularity of requital is excessively settled. The final step is the titular shut of dumbfound. The climax of curve require the some activities to fulfill. We dirty dog swear that when transfigure of supplies and retribution is made, the titular closing of buzz off place. In geek of firm, the contract closes out when that we attain all materials i.e. clothes and payment of the material is made. two the parties need to expression of issues. merely in lash case, if issues go unsettled, any ships company can take the other fellowship to court and mould this in profound way.Post- procurement Activities there are activities that are think to post-procurement boundary i.e. erst the purchase has been done, the activities such as maintenance, re pairing and operational services (MROs) take place. These activities are related to indirect procurement. For instance, we make up concur with our suppliers to provide us with MROs, and now evaluating their performance we have an plectron of surrogate of the same suppliers, if we are satisfactory with their performance. cobblers last The procurement forethought is considered as one of the main phase of firms bring filament management, which is trustworthy with the goods use for manufactures. Thus, we may call procurement as aggregate of fork out chain management. The firms need to wildness on procurement policies and sample to conform to saucy technologies that are dower them managing procurement activities.ReferencesQuentin Fleming (2003) determine procurance Management Contracting, Subcontracting, Teaming. Fmc considerFred, C.P.M. Sollish, John, C.P.M. Semanik (2007) The Procurement and render carriages Desk Reference. Wiley